Aramey : Writing

The Morning

The Morning

A Poem by Aramey

Words spoken that touch my soul,but touch shames the word which the feeling beholds.The velvet brush of a rose petal across flushed cheek,words that r..
Collision's Face

Collision's Face

A Poem by Aramey

A bitter aftertaste,washes past helpless faces,the scent of blood on fire,eyes gazing at endless pyre.Silence such an eerie thing,when desolation is a..
The Disguise

The Disguise

A Poem by Aramey

Foretold a grim despair,thus each wanton tear,falls with passion's flair,and drifts beyond the glare.For each light's a shining star,that thrums throu..
Dragon Bones

Dragon Bones

A Poem by Aramey

Scales of filth and gnarled disease,she slithers out of sight,hiding behind a dark disguise,she coils there like death, instinct, I freeze.Her eyes, s..


A Poem by Aramey

The pale moonlight lie across the river,in its ribbons, the silken breeze sparklesthe gravel at its side,a thousand tiny marbles.Walk with me,through ..


A Poem by Aramey

Tides that ebb and flow,leaving skeletons of the past behind,as they pass quietly,to and fro.Much like footprints in the sand,a mark left silently,upo..


A Poem by Aramey

The stars such spackled beauty,painted onto an infinite canvas,they watch over youand know the truest meaning of love,and yet,you reach for dust.Selli..


A Poem by Aramey

Inhale,exhale,beginning,to ending,never simple,pin pricks of clarity,a flash unclouded by fiction,and then back,to eyes that close,uncertainty, thick,..
Slave to my Passions

Slave to my Passions

A Poem by Aramey

I am a conduit,through me runs pain, yearning, love, and passion.Passion that wavers from anger to flesh,surging into my fingertips,and bleeding... th..
Dream, Action, Rotten

Dream, Action, Rotten

A Poem by Aramey

Dreams...such fragile but cunning things,filling our minds with hopewith smiles upon our faces in passing,Though no smile crosses my face,as I concent..