AWickedMoon : Writing



A Chapter by AWickedMoon

Picture borrowed from


A Poem by AWickedMoon

Possible song?
Tears in my eyes and a punch to the gut.

Tears in my eyes and a punch to the gut.

A Poem by AWickedMoon

These days we see ourselves as civilized, But this I cannot see, For who are we to say, Who is to fat and who is to skinny, ..


A Poem by AWickedMoon

Um... bored... at work? Yes that sounds like a good excuse. Enjoy my rant!
Just a Man

Just a Man

A Poem by AWickedMoon

Just a quick poem I jotted down. Was playing with the "All are equal" subject and that were "only human"
Dear Diamond Queen

Dear Diamond Queen

A Poem by AWickedMoon

A poem about my favorite season. :)


A Poem by AWickedMoon

Wanted to right a dark poem this is what i got.
Blood Lust

Blood Lust

A Poem by AWickedMoon

A continuation of carnage.
Dark Love

Dark Love

A Poem by AWickedMoon

A continuation of Blood Lust
Blood Red

Blood Red

A Poem by AWickedMoon

A continuation of Dark love. My inspiration for these poems was this picture, I found it on google by insomnia-stock on deviantart. Please point out..