Allelujah : Writing



A Poem by Allelujah

”My thoughts are no longer clouded or bathed in illusion of the deluded. My minds free from my egos restrains these chains of fear,doubt and ..


A Poem by Allelujah

”Cradled between your tender thighs I lift you to my mouth. The abundance of your wetness greets me and my mouth overflows with your warm essenc..
My mind

My mind

A Poem by Allelujah

Through self mastery and experience I learned The element of suffering could be difficult to handle regardless of your ability to walk away from an un..


A Poem by Allelujah

Where can we find others That understand the words we speak; The thoughts we think; The tears we weep. Is it even necessary For others to be around..
my,ship sails

my,ship sails

A Poem by Allelujah

My ship sails out unto the ocean of wide open spaces It's hull creeking with the souls of all the people's faces. A destiny of unknown dreams and d..


A Poem by Allelujah

Expectations? Of you? I have none None That will hold you to a lifetime Nothing to tie you down And leave my hands Clinging to..

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