Angel's Lady : Writing

When Liars Lie

When Liars Lie

A Poem by Angel's Lady

When Liars LieWhen she was sitting on the edge of my bed,talking to her husband,I knew she was a liar.But I closed my eyes to it.When she was pacing i..
Painting with Verbs

Painting with Verbs

A Poem by Angel's Lady

Art, I say...
The Unwanted.

The Unwanted.

A Story by Angel's Lady

Maybe this is the first paragraph. Maybe it's only my own angst surfacing.


A Poem by Angel's Lady

Emotions,deeply rooted like an old oak tree,at once our downfall and our savior.Words becoming like a voice in the wilderness,seeking a place to land...
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
When love dies

When love dies

A Poem by Angel's Lady

It just does.


A Poem by Angel's Lady

My sister died last week, and I'm just struggling to make sense of it all...


A Poem by Angel's Lady

just rambling thoughts on a random Wednesday morning...
Lead me...

Lead me...

A Poem by Angel's Lady

not into temptation...
How sweet it is...

How sweet it is...

A Poem by Angel's Lady

to be loved by her...

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