Beatrice Noir : Writing

God Was A Fool

God Was A Fool

A Poem by Beatrice Noir

the individual died before the moon met with the stars and created the beauty of night. mass waves of self flooded the streets from here to texas,..
some kind of heartless

some kind of heartless

A Poem by Beatrice Noir

could i ever speak the words, if i found them, to forgive you? not with your words scraping out my insides, not with your hands still digging out m..
Profound Bullshit

Profound Bullshit

A Poem by Beatrice Noir

Bring with you what you must, but dont trample the flowers on your way. The rivers will run much longer then your feet ever will, the sun will g..
Canadian Winter

Canadian Winter

A Poem by Beatrice Noir

whisper, whisper, whisper to me the song of winter. dance snow flakes on my bare skin, freezing over. i become a shimmering pond. a cold sky la..
use your imagination

use your imagination

A Poem by Beatrice Noir

we can imagine light filtered rainbows scattered across fragile skin, and the ups and downs of lives unlived, un breathing. even the outcome of b..
swing, swing, swing

swing, swing, swing

A Poem by Beatrice Noir

the cabaret is in full swing, the smoke is thick and the soft voices amused. theater for the evening, on all accounts. the girls in their best..

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