Hunter Mullis : Writing

The Next Time

The Next Time

A Poem by Hunter Mullis

He comes around from time to time,Watching, never speaking.Looking out for me,messing with me.It keeps me on my toes,and keeps me watchingfor the next..
Like a Drug

Like a Drug

A Poem by Hunter Mullis

It's funny almost.I've learned about myself for seventeen years,yet I can't figure this out.I can't figure out why I keep going back.I realize it's ju..
Take your Time

Take your Time

A Poem by Hunter Mullis

Writing class provides enough time and boredom to come up with this stuff.


A Poem by Hunter Mullis

Words. Words are a b***h. Words can not describe what I want to say. If only I had the right words. The right words amongst all the others, It&..
Sinking like a ship.

Sinking like a ship.

A Story by Hunter Mullis

This isn't a story. more a rant?


A Poem by Hunter Mullis

Children love superheros,Always wishing they had powers.I used to wish I could be invisible,Not anymore.I recently acquired the power i'd wished for,s..
I read the news today

I read the news today

A Poem by Hunter Mullis

Got some random inspiration from the beatles song "A day in the life"


A Poem by Hunter Mullis

The feeling lingers.That odd, unusual feeling.It only says one thing:Something’s missing.


A Poem by Hunter Mullis

It's a painful thought,that runs through my mind.The fact that someone,that means this much,Doesn't value who they are as much as you do.trying to hel..
Blue Rain

Blue Rain

A Poem by Hunter Mullis

comes from experience