Bluefire : Writing

Reverse Fantasy

Reverse Fantasy

A Poem by Bluefire

It tells me the moon is the sun and vise versa.
Death Of The Wood

Death Of The Wood

A Poem by Bluefire

And the death of the wood, the fox's spirit.
Orchid Of The Waste

Orchid Of The Waste

A Poem by Bluefire

She likes to think of herself as a flower, a solitary orchid, blooming in the Waste.
Dream Up A Nightmare

Dream Up A Nightmare

A Poem by Bluefire

Do you enjoy teasing the gambler into a pack of cards?
Cadavre Parfum

Cadavre Parfum

A Poem by Bluefire

Granite Goblins And Wilted Daisys
Written In The Rain

Written In The Rain

A Poem by Bluefire

Never Forget Your Name
Make Me Your Marionette

Make Me Your Marionette

A Poem by Bluefire

~*~Make me your marionette and I'll dance for you, Make me your puppet and I'll sing to your tune. Make me your doll and tie my joints up with strin..
Maquerade Massacre

Maquerade Massacre

A Poem by Bluefire

Forgotten prophecies


A Poem by Bluefire

There was once a hero who flew too close to the sun. His wings of wax fell apart and he plummeted to Earth.