Brandon York : Writing

Of Sound

Of Sound

A Poem by Brandon York

there are sounds dressed in the robes of winter light whose touch is one of swaddling absolution whispered in our ears as music to an instrum..


A Poem by Brandon York

The sun breaks open over a distant hill splashing pale winter light across the dusty windshield and painting long stripes of shadow from the cha..
The Fading Blue Collar

The Fading Blue Collar

A Poem by Brandon York

the sounding brass and punchcards have been put away and the lines to the lunch-cart dwindle like stingy wicks expiring there is only the tamed ..
de Colores

de Colores

A Poem by Brandon York

I watched old Cuban grandmothers smoldering in plumes of dark tobacco sipping water like a tonic and imbibing rumas air fixed into street-side s..


A Poem by Brandon York

In the taxi, almost dawn, my arm asleep around the seatback breathing your perfume and the hot, sulfuric winds pouring in through half-open windo..


A Poem by Brandon York

they want measure like a bullet uniform intentions played and a chorus of endorsement stamped on the wind that follows you the crowd is malte..
Clapboard Walls

Clapboard Walls

A Poem by Brandon York

clapboard walls the dust of gravel alleyways soles camped out in summer whiskey pressed to gun-shy lips strangers asked for spelling and th..
Tongue of Night

Tongue of Night

A Poem by Brandon York

the tongue of night speaks blue to every king and vagrant coasting albatross currents gathering for late boughts with rivermen or riding name..
scent and safety

scent and safety

A Poem by Brandon York

dog eared book pages that have passed through many hands andinto many eyes spearmint chewing gum interweaving with the radiant musk of a seasoned..
Port Comfort

Port Comfort

A Poem by Brandon York

the street lamp ember burning after sunrise my father'scheap, brokenboots by the back door music in a language I will never learn and love all t..

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