Bree Orlock : Writing



A Poem by Bree Orlock

A poem inspired by the classical world
"Theater of the Night"

"Theater of the Night"

A Poem by Bree Orlock

A haunted theater
"Black Roses"

"Black Roses"

A Poem by Bree Orlock

A poem of introspection
"The Mound"

"The Mound"

A Poem by Bree Orlock

A bit of descriptive poetry based on observations of the world around me
“Coming into the Light”

“Coming into the Light”

A Poem by Bree Orlock

This poem was my coming out story
“The Phantom Phreaker’s Dance”

“The Phantom Phreaker’s Dance”

A Poem by Bree Orlock

Its about the fall of the modern world to technology

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