Camryn Jeter : Writing

Redamancy #4

Redamancy #4

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

...and you left.and for another two weeksyou'll only be text messages and phone callsThe brightest fires never burnvery long.
Redamancy #3

Redamancy #3

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

I've turned my pain into poetrya thousand timesbut I've never quite been able to translatethe agony that is the absence of you.
For the Love of Language #2

For the Love of Language #2

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

Writing isn't optional for me. Most people move through their days routinely- occasionally encountering intense sadness or happiness or boredom. But t..
Redamancy #2

Redamancy #2

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

I wrote this one back in the 9th grade. It's about infatuation.
Redamancy #1

Redamancy #1

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

I remember the first time you told me I was beautiful. I shook my head and laughed and forgave you for lying. Then a couple months passed and I..
Awen #3

Awen #3

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

I , always, have been a night owl. I love the sound of nothing but slow, deep breaths. When the moon shows her beautiful, steadily and faithfull..
Awen #2

Awen #2

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

All I want is to love you, and love you completely, without boundaries; even the parts of you that you believe to be unlovable. I want to show you the..
Awen #1

Awen #1

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

Awen will consist of poems regarding subject matter that was inspired by random thoughts or people.
Carsyn #2

Carsyn #2

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

you're short-tempered impatient jealous overconfident independent and a whirlwindyou're cranky when you're tired you're cranky when you're hungry you'..
Carsyn #1

Carsyn #1

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

This is the first installment of my poetry series named after my sister. The titles will have her name and a number. The name is to identify which ser..