Chloe Madison Taylor. : Writing



A Poem by Chloe Madison Taylor.

It's still hard to imagine the sun rising in the morning, when theres more funerals than there are birthdays. love doesnt come easy these days, and ..
Piranha Butterflies.

Piranha Butterflies.

A Poem by Chloe Madison Taylor.

I saw you walking past my house yesterday instantly, piranha butterflies flooded the lining of my stomach. flipping it over and making it churn. fo..


A Poem by Chloe Madison Taylor.

"lets get wrecked on poptarts and sex."
Dear Stranger.

Dear Stranger.

A Poem by Chloe Madison Taylor.

Dear Someone, Dear Noone. Never, everhit Myspace Latino if you dont know spanish. Avoid making sushi in your own house; itll smell like a vagina. T..


A Story by Chloe Madison Taylor.

The sky is no limit, there are footprints on the moon.


A Poem by Chloe Madison Taylor.

You can always fake it. =]


A Poem by Chloe Madison Taylor.

He didnt pull off that tshirt to get a better look at your heart. Don't bother putting on that lovely layer of lipgloss He'll peel it off in second..
Crushed - Found poem.

Crushed - Found poem.

A Poem by Chloe Madison Taylor.

Words found in The Most Dangerous Game. For english class.