CoffeeInfused : Writing

How Shall I Count the Seconds?

How Shall I Count the Seconds?

A Poem by CoffeeInfused

A love poem to a someone I still care about, even though we're not together anymore
Flow Away

Flow Away

A Poem by CoffeeInfused

Flow away Go away Perhaps to stay Today Tomorrow Maybe I’ll wait ‘til Yesterday is here


A Poem by CoffeeInfused

Am I the monster in my mirror? Am I the demon in my view? The visage makes me ponder Which is my form true? Am I the Jekyll or the Hyde; Fo..
Ozymandias, Inc

Ozymandias, Inc

A Poem by CoffeeInfused

Build a Corporation, Civilization; Industrialization, Across every nation Push back Nature Not givers, but takers We'll clear every acre ..
Real Gone

Real Gone

A Poem by CoffeeInfused

In a funk Can’t get my junk Straight Can’t stop to think Or even blink Cause I feel like I might Disappear Her..


A Poem by CoffeeInfused

Self-medication Inebriation Desperation To escape From pain Plain and simple.
Stop the World

Stop the World

A Poem by CoffeeInfused

Can a man take the world on his shoulders? Growing ever distant, ever colder- Can a man take everyone’s problems away; And carry th..


A Poem by CoffeeInfused

Up, up before the morn Kill the calm and greet the storm Rise again, become reborn Become anew, embrace your form And now, again, a br..
All These Paths That I Could See

All These Paths That I Could See

A Poem by CoffeeInfused

All these paths that I could see Reaching out in front of me Twisting, turning, fate unknown Never one could I call home But now, alas, becoming o..
Ode to a Microwave Meal

Ode to a Microwave Meal

A Poem by CoffeeInfused

Oh mystery meat, You I'll eat; And faux potatoes too- But the veggies I'll leave And give a reprieve, And simply say, "No thank you."