Dandy Jon Powder : Writing

Jagged Edges

Jagged Edges

A Poem by Dandy Jon Powder

Something darker
Mood Swings

Mood Swings

A Poem by Dandy Jon Powder

Written like a folk-punk song
The Turning Point

The Turning Point

A Poem by Dandy Jon Powder

Twenty - Poems That Tell a Story...
Should These Tears

Should These Tears

A Poem by Dandy Jon Powder

If They Fall


A Poem by Dandy Jon Powder

Shoegaze Poetry
A Beautiful Ghost

A Beautiful Ghost

A Poem by Dandy Jon Powder

I don't know what to make of this one, lots of things came to mind while writing this...odd
A Grand Failure

A Grand Failure

A Poem by Dandy Jon Powder

Scorched romance falls apart and your left to collect pieces and throw them back at the ex who shamelessly walked away
The Blogger Who Died a Lame, But Funny Death

The Blogger Who Died a Lame, But Funny Death

A Poem by Dandy Jon Powder

this one cracks me up, it's so f*****g random, I couldn't resist posting it ha ha
The Isle

The Isle

A Story by Dandy Jon Powder
