Dark Tower : Writing

Fade Away

Fade Away

A Poem by Dark Tower

Fade Away The lies The hugs The smiles Even the time Will fade away But… My love for you will stay I make a o..
Hold Me Through The Night

Hold Me Through The Night

A Poem by Dark Tower

Hold Me Through The Night I close my eyes And in an instant I I am surrounded by a wall of shadows Eyes dark and hollow Piercing me like steel tipped ..


A Poem by Dark Tower

WhisperIf ICould whisperSofter than the kiss of the windThen IWould tell you how to findThe person I hide withinIf I couldCould whisperSofter than the..
Love Sprung

Love Sprung

A Poem by Dark Tower

Love Sprung Nothing anybody told me when I left the house that day Could have helped me anticipate Having an angel standing rig..


A Poem by Dark Tower

Falling. I stare at the stranger standing before me Why does he look so similar to me? But also so different? His cheeks are ..
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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How You Make Me Feel

How You Make Me Feel

A Poem by Dark Tower

How You Make Me Feel You’re the only reason I smile when the sun rises My heart beats to the flutter of your eye lids I pr..


A Poem by Dark Tower

Lost Sometimes I wonder if the fights are worth while But I know they are when I catch a glimpse of her smile Long ago do the days..
Stuck On You

Stuck On You

A Poem by Dark Tower

Stuck On You I find myself standing in the rain Each drop of water hiding the tears that form from my pain As I watch you walk ..
Just Want To Be With You

Just Want To Be With You

A Poem by Dark Tower

Just Want To Be With You When things get to the point where everything comes to a standstill When your heart burns with a pain so i..
Choose Me

Choose Me

A Poem by Dark Tower

Choose Me Im not giving up on you Im not letting you give up on me Because somewhere in my heart I know we were meant to be..