savannah estrada : Writing



A Poem by savannah estrada

She has a voice Silent but loudShe never spoke outPeoplealways saidshe wasn't good enoughShe went throughout hellTrying to make you happyShe's sick ..


A Poem by savannah estrada

She sat, computer o the table in front of her. other peoples fingers tap at the key in front of them createing a rythem with vary few pauses. she has ..
he fell silent

he fell silent

A Poem by savannah estrada

he fell silentnothing matteredhes gotten used to the yellingeveryone dose ithe walks away, head down, eyes roaminghe stares at everything yet nothingh..
he writes

he writes

A Poem by savannah estrada

he writes with his lifeeverything he dosematters nothing to the worldbut when he writes he is the worlduses all he knowsall he seesto createa master p..
a game

a game

A Poem by savannah estrada

spends all his moneyon a new gaming headsethis friends thnk hes finebut they dont know whyhe acctualy plays the gamehe plays cause his onlytrue friend..
not just a game

not just a game

A Poem by savannah estrada

hes frozen in timeon way to movehes stuck in this placetime and spacevoid of changehes floating throught lifevoid of emotionshis only release are the ..
people change

people change

A Poem by savannah estrada

people changea person from long long agountruepeople change and never go backthey put on facesmasking their true identyon on truly knows a personno ma..
a stare

a stare

A Poem by savannah estrada

one stare one glance just a few secondswith on pattern but i seeand i dont know what to do should i ask orjust wait..
death and the dark

death and the dark

A Poem by savannah estrada

death is unedivableall was born to dieyet we fear itbut what is death reallydeath is the unknownwe fear the darkbut it is reallythe dark we fearor is ..