Death : Writing



A Poem by Death

I don't know what to do with myself.It's dark, and quiet.And there's nothing around.Not a single sound for a mile around.I feel so alone,Although ever..


A Poem by Death

I feel it,deep inside.Burning like fire,with a siring pain.A sharp metal,inches inside my chest.Yet its all imaginary,in the realist aspect.I fall to ..
My Life.

My Life.

A Poem by Death

This is a two person poem written by me and a friend. My friends POV is on the left side, and mine is on the right.
The Seasons End, 2012

The Seasons End, 2012

A Poem by Death

Today (10-26-12) was our last halftime performance of 2012. This year has meant the world and beyond to me, so knowing that it was the last preF. with..


A Story by Death

I decided to write this for my cat, Mr. Whiskers. RIP
All The Pain

All The Pain

A Poem by Death

I know this has been said before (not the poem, but the facts and what not). It gets me every time. Please take it seriously, it isn't a joke. I hope ..
Beauty is Fine China

Beauty is Fine China

A Poem by Death

Beauty is fine china,hidden away in the cabinets,like the face we like to hide.Beauty is fine china,covered in paint,chipped with imperfections.Beauty..

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