FamaSemperVivat : Writing

Childhood Memories

Childhood Memories

A Poem by FamaSemperVivat

I remember when I was just a child,as I watched in awe the changing clouds,from puffs of white to blobs of dark,as they smothered the sun.Then eyes op..


A Poem by FamaSemperVivat

As we enter sleep
Dragons of Myth and Mystery

Dragons of Myth and Mystery

A Poem by FamaSemperVivat

An experiment with a Quatern


A Poem by FamaSemperVivat

The little angels of the glen
Frozen In Time

Frozen In Time

A Poem by FamaSemperVivat

Have you ever suffered from seizures?
Grand MaL!

Grand MaL!

A Poem by FamaSemperVivat

You are alert, laughing, joking,not knowing that an attack is coming,as electrical impulses begin to misfire,in your brain, a feeling comes on,known y..
Learning Haiku

Learning Haiku

A Poem by FamaSemperVivat

this isn't a true haiku because it's not about nature just a helper to remember the haiku structure
Haiku #2

Haiku #2

A Poem by FamaSemperVivat

about winds
Haiku #3

Haiku #3

A Poem by FamaSemperVivat

Nature's song