FractalLuna : Writing

When Mom Was A Moth

When Mom Was A Moth

A Poem by FractalLuna

When Mom was a moth,She shone in the light.When Mom was a moth,She flew with delight.When Mom was a moth,She would flutter against my cheek.When Mom w..
I Was Far Away

I Was Far Away

A Poem by FractalLuna

I was far away, Like leaves that fall, beckoned to sway. I was far away, I looked into my memories today, Realizing the life I knew wou..
Sun of New

Sun of New

A Poem by FractalLuna

Through the rusted-pane window I saw, An illuminated horizon I didn't know at all. It crept up slowly, Over the cornfield so tall, And grazed..
This is a Good Life

This is a Good Life

A Poem by FractalLuna

This is a good life.Down the rocky lane, I see,Miles of blue, green, and trees.My mind perceives an infinite reverie,While my skin attracts tiny bees...


A Poem by FractalLuna

I speak a language all my own,The only language I have ever known.It's strong and emanating like drums,Its resounding echo into the world it thrums.My..
Lucid Beast

Lucid Beast

A Poem by FractalLuna

Feeling the cold within my bones, A voice of elusion I've never known. Double-edged and metallic as ice, Into my vision its blade did slice. D..
Cosmically Powerful

Cosmically Powerful

A Poem by FractalLuna

Attuned in heart Attuned in soul Hearts entwined Cosmically powerful Thunderous in beat Stepping forth from the mind Weaving a world For t..
Nothing Now

Nothing Now

A Poem by FractalLuna

Nothing now; be silent Heartbeats lie; eyes defiant This body beheld Mind swelled Thoughts arcane Loving in the rain Not scared of the dee..
Daughter of Nature

Daughter of Nature

A Poem by FractalLuna

I am a soulful daughter of nature. Brought up by swollen roots sown deep,Conceived within a womb of moonlight, Starlight streams down when I we..
Sweet Symphony

Sweet Symphony

A Poem by FractalLuna

Sweet Symphony Sweet symphony,A chorus between, The cruel world and me. Fighting each breath, Biting each tongue, Dancing in the masque..

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