Franc Rodriguez : Writing



A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

From my novel "Sempiternus", I dedicate this poem to the character of Monticello, an Italian who was the worthy confident of Sempiternus.
The Machiavellian Gaston

The Machiavellian Gaston

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

From my novel "Sempiternus", is this poem dedicated to the character of Gaston, a French nobleman of the 18th century.
Pantagruelian Catacombs

Pantagruelian Catacombs

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

The immortal vampire "Sempiternus", born a Roman Legionnaire, who lives in Victorian Europe.
Barmecidal Throne

Barmecidal Throne

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A demented mind of a poor wretch, who fathoms himself, to be Ulysses.
Curse Of Cumnor Hurst

Curse Of Cumnor Hurst

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A mysterious curse has befallen, upon the quaint town of Cumnor England, in the year 1868.
Lore Of Shalott

Lore Of Shalott

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A tribute to Lord Tennyson's "Lady Of Shalott."
Immortals Of Elysium

Immortals Of Elysium

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A wondrous tribute, to the great poets of yore.
Ode To Aidenn

Ode To Aidenn

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

The eternal search of the majestic Aidenn, by a poet.
Tenfold Wraiths

Tenfold Wraiths

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A mystery of wraiths, is unfolding in Hammersmith, a district in West London, England, located in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham in 1898..
Return Of The Raven

Return Of The Raven

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

The infamous return of the raven, who has appeared before "Griswold", to make known of Poe's wretched soul.

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