Geralyn Miller : Writing

Real Love

Real Love

A Poem by Geralyn Miller

Seeking Knowledge

Seeking Knowledge

A Story by Geralyn Miller

Just how do you know the questions you need to ask to get the answer?
The Liar

The Liar

A Poem by Geralyn Miller

WOTD #68


A Poem by Geralyn Miller

WOTD #75
Summer Symphony

Summer Symphony

A Poem by Geralyn Miller

The air, heavy with rain promise, hums with cicada song; a mockingbird in mesquite lacery bids the sun farewell. From steeple top, the church be..
Queen of Hearts

Queen of Hearts

A Poem by Geralyn Miller

Smoke and memories, love writ in sand. Moonbeams and fairy tales, a prince with no charm. Pipedreams and prisms, and no light to shine.
The Angels Wept

The Angels Wept

A Poem by Geralyn Miller

What child is this? What child is this? Who cries himself to sleep most nights, 'cause deep in his gut the hunger bites? Who is small and weak and ..


A Poem by Geralyn Miller

WOTD #74
So Many Secrets . . .

So Many Secrets . . .

A Poem by Geralyn Miller

Too much past. So many secrets to take to my grave. So much evil I have seen in my life; Unbelieveable cruelty just for the sake of cruelty, ..
Resting Place

Resting Place

A Poem by Geralyn Miller

WOTD #73