Yemaya Theresa : Writing

MaMa Ocean

MaMa Ocean

A Poem by Yemaya Theresa

Mother of the Ocean, I am your humble child. Teach me, guide me, show me the way. I yearn to walk upon your shores once more. To lay in your gent..
World you Created

World you Created

A Poem by Yemaya Theresa

You are so far away from yourself, I don't recognize you. Lost in the darkness of a soulless pursuit. I'm holding a candle for you, don't you see ..
Love so Sweet

Love so Sweet

A Poem by Yemaya Theresa

Eleven years & a few months have passed since first our eyes met. As we started our journey, our dance of a thousand veils. Nothing could stan..
Not So Innocent

Not So Innocent

A Poem by Yemaya Theresa

You the not so innocent. You may think you are, but you are not. You are as guilty as your precious Golden Boy. The favorite child who could do n..

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