Helena : Writing

You Stepped Out of My Dream

You Stepped Out of My Dream

A Poem by Helena

Chaucerian Rondel (I think) From my Dreamscape Collection


A Poem by Helena

Sandstorm You breezed into my desert life For a brief moment in time sweeping across the luna landscape of my mind A labyrinth maze o..
Bed of Thorns

Bed of Thorns

A Poem by Helena

Bed of Thorns Sleep not on a bed of thorns but rather sleep in the comforting dreams of one who loves you night time closes the deep purple..


A Poem by Helena

Moonstone You are my precious moonstone Changeable, changeling a caesura Fashioning swirling soul sparks Stoking passi..
A Hymn in My Heart

A Hymn in My Heart

A Poem by Helena

A Hymn in My Heart You don't hear the hymn in my heart humming with love overflowing or my lonely heartbeats an endless metrono..
Tread Softly, Thy Spirits of the Night

Tread Softly, Thy Spirits of the Night

A Poem by Helena

Tread Softly thy spirits of the night Tread softly thy spirits of the night Her sleeping doth still the blinking stars On blushed cheeks..
Heart We Will Forget Him

Heart We Will Forget Him

A Poem by Helena

Thank you Emily Dickenson for the inspiration!
Midnight Meets Muse

Midnight Meets Muse

A Poem by Helena

Midnight Meets Muse Select the book from the dusty shelf where many mites mingle Turn the thin worn pages marked with scratchy qu..
Divine Soul-Mate

Divine Soul-Mate

A Poem by Helena

Divine Soul-Mate I will wait until thestream of life flows from your Soul into mine I have been faithfuloh, my beloved pure and ch..
Sweet Moon

Sweet Moon

A Poem by Helena

Sweet Moon I read by your glow tonight A poem penned by my poet's hand I swoon on every word Spilt by passion's ink Dipped ..