Hoyle Brannacht : Writing

The Hard Ground

The Hard Ground

A Story by Hoyle Brannacht

Flies, ripe as raisins, lighted upon the neat piles of dog s**t, of which there were several. One, healthy and solid, and the last, still fresh, poo..
Small And Red

Small And Red

A Story by Hoyle Brannacht

“My wish for America is that it jettisons its self-delusions and admits to selfishness,” said the professor, “if only for my healt..


A Poem by Hoyle Brannacht

A necklace, lain at the bottom of a drawer, --evermore held to nothing— ever neckless.
February 18th

February 18th

A Poem by Hoyle Brannacht

Wintersmelt of standing water and rivulets atwiner. --patchwork path of shlupper’s quarter— The steppardeeskippard and I: the shin..


A Poem by Hoyle Brannacht

O beauty! And a plum-tipped finger… Point me directions past. Slightly stuck, abled somewhat, I commend the subtle shaft.
[She opened the door...

[She opened the door...

A Story by Hoyle Brannacht

She opened the door. I lay in bed, holding to my chin the coverlet. She came to me softly, followed by a dark shape I did not recognize as Father t..
[In my eyes of dying there is a well-traveled light...]

[In my eyes of dying there is a well-traveled ligh..

A Story by Hoyle Brannacht

In my eyes of dying there is a well-traveled light. It is the displaced light of a darkening sky: sticks in the hands of children, spears in the han..
Two Women Havedrank

Two Women Havedrank

A Story by Hoyle Brannacht

Two women havedrank, sitting side beside, discussed themselves. The elder, in town for the New Year, was the sister of the younger, the younger besi..
Regarding My Teeth

Regarding My Teeth

A Story by Hoyle Brannacht

Northernrow is subject to city planning. Southland is an individualistic affair. Regardless, they're all scared slightly yellow of each other.
October 22nd

October 22nd

A Poem by Hoyle Brannacht

Omnce lay a pot, lined within: the dead pit and skin of a shepherd's only plum.