I.F.W. Davis : Writing



A Poem by I.F.W. Davis

You spoke with all the casualness of corporate discretion soft tongue weaving muted threads of syllabic indifference until we were encased in..
So I just got off the phone-

So I just got off the phone-

A Poem by I.F.W. Davis

and they shut the power off this morning, which isn’t exactly something new, but I can still afford to be upset about it. Usually I ge..


A Poem by I.F.W. Davis

The teeth marks in my bed sheets seem a little too concerted for your conscience, one-fifty-seven isn't enough to weigh you down; or me either, ..


A Poem by I.F.W. Davis

I remember watching you speak to me in ink so you wouldn’t slur your words wasting hours until the strangers we called acquaintances left, ..
The end of 414

The end of 414

A Poem by I.F.W. Davis

The taste of smoke chastises the bitter canyons of wind-chapped Lips. Softened shoulders that step through doorways disguise their ..

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