Idyllwyld : Writing

[Entry 21]

[Entry 21]

A Chapter by Idyllwyld

Entry 21 I have arrived in town. Currently, I am seated in the first tavern I found along the road apparently referred to as The Bends. My host..
[Entry 22]

[Entry 22]

A Chapter by Idyllwyld

Entry 22 I have decided to spend the night here at this tavern. As I write, night is falling. I've also travelled much during the day. While a li..
[Entry 23]

[Entry 23]

A Chapter by Idyllwyld

Entry 23 Two entries in the same night! Yes, I had said I would devote more consistency to my entries, however what I write here is of special im..
Hold Your Color

Hold Your Color

A Book by Idyllwyld

In a world of gray, the technicolor man is king.
Chapter I

Chapter I

A Chapter by Idyllwyld

We lived and loved, and enjoyed what we could see. Until the Rainbow Demon came.
Chapter II

Chapter II

A Chapter by Idyllwyld

Death-engines of hue, and firearms of saturation.
Chapter III

Chapter III

A Chapter by Idyllwyld

I saw what there was to see, and said no more, no less.
What is a Man?

What is a Man?

A Poem by Idyllwyld

A continuation of "Stand Tall, and Shake the Heavens," part of the greater speech the Magician gives to humanity.
Stand Tall and Shake the Heavens

Stand Tall and Shake the Heavens

A Poem by Idyllwyld

His speech, a speech to mortal men and women---humanity. A continuation of "Sworn." Stand tall, and shake the heavens. Stand and be true. (By the wa..
Agents of Fate

Agents of Fate

A Poem by Idyllwyld

I'll tell you what Hell is. I'll tell you when you're in it. Hell is when you find yourself saying these words.