Phoenix : Writing



A Poem by Phoenix

Stu-pid (stoo'pid)adj. 1. Lacking normal intelligence 2. Foolish; silly --Stu-pid'i-ty, pl. -ties, n.
What's the Name of the Game?

What\'s the Name of the Game?

A Poem by Phoenix

Thoughts I've been trying to put in poetry form for a while.
The Hill

The Hill

A Poem by Phoenix

Thoughts coming to the surface.
Accepted/The Dream

Accepted/The Dream

A Story by Phoenix

I realize there's only the pronouns "he" and "I", and I was planning on thinking of names, but then it just didn't feel necessary.


A Poem by Phoenix

About a very poorly run store...
The Sabine Women

The Sabine Women

A Poem by Phoenix

Represents when the Sabine women intervened in battle.
Still Alive

Still Alive

A Poem by Phoenix

A poem that tells a story.


A Poem by Phoenix

I've lost a doll once When I was young, I cried and cried, It was my favorite one. I've lost my balance once Tore open my knee, It was the fir..


A Poem by Phoenix

A few words to describe the Phoenix


A Poem by Phoenix

Ah, love...what can you do?