JP thinks the WC is aptly named : Writing

A girl from Tahiti

A girl from Tahiti

A Poem by JP thinks the WC is aptly..

There once was a girl from Tahiti Who when drunk would give flashes of t***y One day in December Her nips were dismembered By the cold, such a te..
A Spillage of Milk

A Spillage of Milk

A Poem by JP thinks the WC is aptly..

There once was a lady of Spain Whose breasts were a terrible pain They grew too large And began to discharge But they took several hours to drai..
A Man from Colraine

A Man from Colraine

A Poem by JP thinks the WC is aptly..

There once a manfrom Colraine With a penis instead of a brain He thought about sex And nothing else, one suspects But occasionallyhow to refrai..
A Man from Bombay

A Man from Bombay

A Poem by JP thinks the WC is aptly..

There once was a man from Bombay Who always denied being gay But one day he was found To be bumming around And while doing so shouting 'wahay!' ..
A Man from Carlisle

A Man from Carlisle

A Poem by JP thinks the WC is aptly..

There once was a man from Carlisle Who hadn't been laid in a while The love doctor said What do you do in bed To which he replied, 'versatile'
Sweet Jesus

Sweet Jesus

A Poem by JP thinks the WC is aptly..

If Christ had been made out of chocolate It would need some historic review But Communion would draw more to church than before To partake of a ch..
Jesus is made up!

Jesus is made up!

A Poem by JP thinks the WC is aptly..

If I had been at Golgotha I would have shouted 'Beautifyhim' Instead they wouldhave painted Christ It would have been more edifying They would h..


A Poem by JP thinks the WC is aptly..

I am as playful as a plethora of platypi, posing provocatively in plimsolls while producing post-modern portraits with a purloined pack of Plasticin..
Monopoly Guy

Monopoly Guy

A Poem by JP thinks the WC is aptly..

An old man was a fan of Monopoly Andnevertheless played it sloppily He bought all the utilities Butin his senility His waterworks didn't work prop..
Bullets and Lipstick

Bullets and Lipstick

A Poem by JP thinks the WC is aptly..

Bloody bullets make For unusual lipstick - Truly dangerous