Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Joey Martinez : Writing



A Story by Joey Martinez

More tears are being made than laughter Angels glide while demons stride faster It seems the heart is being forgotten in the creation of the human ..


A Poem by Joey Martinez

You think with caution to avoid any foolish mistakes but your emotions get the best of you and throw logic out the gate The power of love is strong e..


A Poem by Joey Martinez

It’s hard for some to go all in and throw the chips on the table knowing love is a gamble. The heart can only be dismantled so many times befor..


A Poem by Joey Martinez

Sadness is always authentic, you can never portray a false frown Happiness is full of lies and it’s seen all around It’s hard to distin..
Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell

A Poem by Joey Martinez

Some say heaven and hell exists here on earth and you choose the path You decide who’s wrath you wish to encounter, the savior or the prowler?..
Pray away

Pray away

A Poem by Joey Martinez

God forgives but he doesn’t forget so don’t come to a belief that you’re debt free The fear of hell has you in this spell of concer..


A Poem by Joey Martinez

As a child I was taught not to use Gods name in vain but here I am, a man watching people use Gods designation as an excuse to slay. Wars take place..


A Poem by Joey Martinez

You’re partaking in the journey of change but most don’t care about the steps you’re taking so now you’ve become estranged. ..


A Poem by Joey Martinez

Religion is viewed as an escape or a prison. It’s either you’re a foolish boy or a man of wisdom. I was born into a catholic family wh..


A Poem by Joey Martinez

Come as you are is something we all can’t do. We’re just being modified versions of ourselves to hide the truth. Just a bunch of cater..