K : Writing



A Poem by K

So, why argue?

So, why argue?

A Poem by K

Why do you need to fight?Is there a reason?Some outcome you wish to affect?Simple and easy discourse would doProblems can lead to solutionsSo much eas..
Satan's Piss

Satan's Piss

A Poem by K

Just the reality of drunkenness.
Observe.....Then Kill.

Observe.....Then Kill.

A Poem by K

Waiting for the proper moment.


A Poem by K

People all too often wish for what they can't have ....or deserve.


A Poem by K

It's always work.


A Poem by K

The burden of truth It is a heavy Thought As I know what it is I cannot look upon it as I did It will always be different It will never be the sa..
Swallowed by The Abyss

Swallowed by The Abyss

A Poem by K

Why did it have to be so hard?It should have been so easy.Should all bow to your will?Should all be expected to accommodate your desires?I can bend my..
A Long Way to Go

A Long Way to Go

A Poem by K

Not really a poem, just something of interest. And also sadly true.
Small Minds Stay Small

Small Minds Stay Small

A Poem by K

From small minds come small things.