KaplanKop : Writing



A Poem by KaplanKop

I was beyond knowing what to do I had nothing left to say So I packed up my box and left Money's magic. Now I was in the streets, and wasn't comi..
The doctor's wife

The doctor's wife

A Poem by KaplanKop

The doctor told me I was fine I knew that, so I asked about his wife, She was fine too, so I was told, And I was also told my prescription, A six ..


A Poem by KaplanKop

I didn't know what to say to her, So I said nothing, I left her alone, Isn't that what always happens, I went home, There was trash to take out, ..
Look at yourself

Look at yourself

A Poem by KaplanKop

Take a look back At your own eye, There's nothing much left, So carry on, The lady down the street says hi, I'm not interested, too old for ..
A beautiful woman

A beautiful woman

A Poem by KaplanKop

Aren't you going to die anyway, I'm trying to build a career, But what's the point, May as well stick two pens up my nose and sing lalala, There's..

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