Kett : Writing

famined refrain

famined refrain

A Poem by Kett

thrown colored stones parted and swallowed a swell ofvelvet carpet crimsons, citrines, and a haunted onyx smoother -- a stealer of my dreams, c..
the feathering

the feathering

A Poem by Kett

dreary, weary.. and wary... have you become this eve.. post haste or pardoned refute a turn of head, heard and fouled guarded are her arms to dis..
rebirth & mourning

rebirth & mourning

A Poem by Kett

waiting for the lights to appear in a vacant lot icicling vaguely... vacillation anticipation of a new lover coming... a return of a previous lov..
the wrestling madness

the wrestling madness

A Poem by Kett

i took a madness step and asked for a forgiveness i could not take i wondered if it would be the last or if it would be something more to endur..


A Poem by Kett

i don’t talk into the dark for you to hear me when i speak about you, when i look out from the space with its pitch blackness, i close my e..
silver standard

silver standard

A Poem by Kett

pastels blush in white bizarre turn corner, turn face towards me innoir spell i find to consume you hot upon a tin roof meld into skins become..
a lighter dark

a lighter dark

A Poem by Kett

a look back i take a retract anddelve into the sand to inhale, a greater exhale to spend... fill my lungs so i cannot breathe and die another ti..
retro reverse

retro reverse

A Poem by Kett

...alone there,... a time to come, a final pass fixer, treater, reconstitutor! avant fleeter... sky writer among the stratus taker rays supercede..
nighted noir

nighted noir

A Poem by Kett

a sultry devise i once came through such a passage, a composition divided... waiting to subside into a dreamier state, to remain permanent none..
maker's mark

maker\'s mark

A Poem by Kett

the bones of the skeletal protrude picturesque a scene, a flaying of limbs an ever digging from the grave to breathe. picked quite clean, raptur..