Kathryn Star, Shine! : Writing

Why Did You Have to Die

Why Did You Have to Die

A Poem by Kathryn Star, Shine!

An in-depth look into my own world, as to why my own living realitive had to die and me left behind.
I Never Got to Tell You

I Never Got to Tell You

A Poem by Kathryn Star, Shine!

My twins death and my broken heart... never got to say goodbye.
Grueling Contempt

Grueling Contempt

A Poem by Kathryn Star, Shine!

Written for a contest... the best horror
Tell Me Why

Tell Me Why

A Poem by Kathryn Star, Shine!

There are a lot of things that happen in your life. Some good, others bad. Some take the most beatings, but why?
Addicted to Acceptance

Addicted to Acceptance

A Poem by Kathryn Star, Shine!

Have you ever felt that you don't belong anywhere?
Stand UP and Be COUNTED

Stand UP and Be COUNTED

A Poem by Kathryn Star, Shine!

A poem written for a contest... for our freedom.


A Poem by Kathryn Star, Shine!

Nothing is impossible, unless you say it isn't so.
Out My Back Window

Out My Back Window

A Poem by Kathryn Star, Shine!

An indepth look, into a world gone wrong.
Don't Talk to Me

Don\'t Talk to Me

A Poem by Kathryn Star, Shine!

A life which has no meaning, only to the two that held up their agreement.
"My Child, My Child"

\"My Child, My Child\"

A Poem by Kathryn Star, Shine!

Dedicated to Neda, a victim in the Iran scandels.