Klyn : Writing

Anxiety Apron

Anxiety Apron

A Poem by Klyn

Wiping my hands down the fabric Then wringing it in twists and knots Pulling on the strings from the bow Hoping no one notices the spots Because e..
Butterfly Weed

Butterfly Weed

A Poem by Klyn

Butterfly Weed Ascelpias tuberose is the official name; It’s quite difficult for me to say, But you can just call it butterfly weed It&rs..
No Title

No Title

A Poem by Klyn

I was walking at the river one day...this is a reflection of my quitting smoking, losing weight and changing my lifestyle to be a healthier, stronger ..
Lake Thoughts

Lake Thoughts

A Poem by Klyn

Leaningover me and pulling my chin up with his big, stubby fingers he asks, "Where is that thunder, that drive that I once knew?" Turning away, I to..

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The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114