Legion : Writing

The Hope of Summer

The Hope of Summer

A Poem by Legion

About learning and growth.
When Stagnate

When Stagnate

A Poem by Legion

About changing your life when "stagnate". Yes, I know it should be "stagnant", but I liked the way it sounded like this.


A Poem by Legion

A piece about true perfecshion. Yes, I know it is spelled perfection, but it is in keeping with the theme of the poem.
Off Into the Deep End

Off Into the Deep End

A Poem by Legion

A piece about not traveling the path most traveled so to speak.
The Specter

The Specter

A Poem by Legion

A little humorous gothic-type horror.
Thought of the Unborn

Thought of the Unborn

A Poem by Legion

Something I wrote while trying to place myself in the position of the fetus about to be aborted.


A Poem by Legion

A song about hypocrisy. No doubt.
Hark! Charon Comes!

Hark! Charon Comes!

A Poem by Legion

A piece on the dreaded ferryman.
Crossing Dangerous Waters

Crossing Dangerous Waters

A Poem by Legion

A song I wrote years ago trying to comprehend what it would be like to talk to Christ in the here and now.
Giants of the Earth

Giants of the Earth

A Poem by Legion

Something for the trees and our relationship with them.