Lena M. P. : Writing

Melancholy Mists

Melancholy Mists

A Poem by Lena M. P.

I gaze at pregnant clouds outside my window Overcast to match my inner darkness Wind howls through trees like sadness through my soul Melancholy ..
Rush Hour

Rush Hour

A Poem by Lena M. P.

I rush through each day as if I have endless days ahead of me When in reality each day is counting down to my demise I awake each morning running ..
My Brother, My Friend

My Brother, My Friend

A Poem by Lena M. P.

Just an FYI, prayers answered.
Childhood Treasures

Childhood Treasures

A Poem by Lena M. P.

Awash in a dream filled sleep content I wandered streets of childhood spent Playing gameswith ball and jacks Exploringwoods and railroad tracks ..
Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love

A Poem by Lena M. P.

He stood upon the cliffs awaiting the sunrise Watching as the last of the moon descended Anticipating the light meeting the sea Listening to the ..
I Smell a Memory Coming On

I Smell a Memory Coming On

A Poem by Lena M. P.

The scents I remember like hand rolled cigars Wine cask lined cellars in musty cool basements Chocolate miniatures nestled in bright candy dishes ..
The Circle Resumes

The Circle Resumes

A Poem by Lena M. P.

Sentries of the night stand guard in perfect formation Across the stretch of wire, like clothespins on a line While speckled flocks of grack..
A Day is Our Life

A Day is Our Life

A Poem by Lena M. P.

Life dawns like sunrise Soft pinks and blues against the black from which it came Sudden burst of light stretching fingers and toes to a new day. ..
London Time

London Time

A Poem by Lena M. P.

A step in time I took one day On specters mist who led the way Down cobblestones and garden paths Armless statues guarding baths Armored beasts ..
Isolated Memories

Isolated Memories

A Poem by Lena M. P.

Standing in an open field So battered and neglected Weathered boards with splintered edges Open roof lets in the light Oh what tales your wall..