~*~Peace Keeper~*~ : Writing

The Unlucky Grasshopper

The Unlucky Grasshopper

A Story by ~*~Peace Keeper~*~

Something I wrote in my Creative Writing class ^^


A Poem by ~*~Peace Keeper~*~

Think about tomorrow The laughs and tears that you will share Think about the restless nights Go on; think of them if you dare Love is..
The Little Fawn

The Little Fawn

A Poem by ~*~Peace Keeper~*~

The shots rang clear within the forest covered in crystal white, I kept running as fast as my legs could go Hoping I would get out of sight. ..
We Need God

We Need God

A Story by ~*~Peace Keeper~*~

God is the source of all creativity and abilities. He gives us the ability to write, to think, to reason, to invent, to draw, to sing, to d..
Bearing Fruit For Jesus

Bearing Fruit For Jesus

A Story by ~*~Peace Keeper~*~

Have you ever been uncomfortable when someone curses or talks about negative or perverse things? Do you know why that is? It is because you are long..
The Harvest

The Harvest

A Story by ~*~Peace Keeper~*~

God designed this world to have seasons. There is a time to plant and a time for harvest. This does not only apply to the foods we grow, but it appl..
A Heart's Home

A Heart's Home

A Story by ~*~Peace Keeper~*~

We come home to rest our bodies, but where does our heart rest? Does it feel home in a building? Does our heart rest in a bed? Our human bodies and ..
Come Home

Come Home

A Poem by ~*~Peace Keeper~*~

My Savior reaches out His hands to the lost and broken and says, “Come home, Come home My child. Come and receive your healing. Come ..
The Soul Who Sins Will Die

The Soul Who Sins Will Die

A Story by ~*~Peace Keeper~*~

The word of the Lord came to me: “What do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of Israel: “’The fathers eat so..
God's Beautiful Art

God's Beautiful Art

A Poem by ~*~Peace Keeper~*~

We as humans long for love We as humans want to be complete But just like glass our hearts are fragile And just like glass they break ap..