Mercury Mirrors : Writing

I Want To Be Loved

I Want To Be Loved

A Poem by Mercury Mirrors

I wasn't really aiming for anything with this, just venting my thoughts of how I can never find a good man...what happened toall the fish worth catchi..


A Poem by Mercury Mirrors

My first attempt at an acrostic...=/ yeah it probably sucks but I haven't really studied the form. I will though & post another one for this.


A Poem by Mercury Mirrors

Well I thought you would be different. I thought you would last. I thought you were the one, But I jumped in too fast. Now I pay the price of ..
Midnight Toll

Midnight Toll

A Poem by Mercury Mirrors

I saved my fave poem I've ever written from English Class! YAY! Enjoy.
Breath [Explicit]

Breath [Explicit]

A Poem by Mercury Mirrors

This is a song I just now found while rumaging through my backup folder in case Writerscafe crashes again. Enjoy. (I think it was written when Don rea..


A Poem by Mercury Mirrors

This is isnpired from all the habaloo about the polygamist cults in Utah, etc. Sad thing is I was born in Utah...aren't I proud?! >.<! Bu this i..
Forget It

Forget It

A Poem by Mercury Mirrors

This is a song I wrote months ago, that I thought I posted...turns out I didn't, so here it is now. Enjoy.
Love is Love

Love is Love

A Poem by Mercury Mirrors

This is inspired by "Valerie's Autobiography" My favorite scene from my favorite movie in the world, "V For Vendetta" It makes me ..
My Bitter-Sweet Obsession

My Bitter-Sweet Obsession

A Poem by Mercury Mirrors

This is for you again Richie! I haven't written anything about him in a long time & I missed him a lot in school today & was feeling lovey. So..
In That Room

In That Room

A Poem by Mercury Mirrors

The true tale of my trip to the hospital where they almost committed me. Enjoy.