Lorraine Pearson : Writing

Driven to Frustration

Driven to Frustration

A Poem by Lorraine Pearson

"Cycling in insanity...we all do it-- because of hope."
Compromised Spirit

Compromised Spirit

A Poem by Lorraine Pearson

"The trinity of uniting self."
Treasures Within

Treasures Within

A Poem by Lorraine Pearson

Nothing like cleaning out the attic...


A Poem by Lorraine Pearson



A Poem by Lorraine Pearson

magic flowers
Keys to Freedom

Keys to Freedom

A Poem by Lorraine Pearson

re-taking control
Sink or Swim

Sink or Swim

A Poem by Lorraine Pearson

Its all about choice...


A Poem by Lorraine Pearson

We are not what we see.
Mystery in the Mud

Mystery in the Mud

A Poem by Lorraine Pearson

Inspired by the lifestory of Tina Turner
Blinded Soul

Blinded Soul

A Poem by Lorraine Pearson

Love is truly blind sometimes...