Lydia Shutter : Writing

the land of happiness

the land of happiness

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

i took this photo off the coast of the dominican republic fascinated with what lies beneath the azure water seagulls have a free for all on the..
the last word

the last word

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

a poem i wrote back in 2006 that is still relevant now.
rolling beads

rolling beads

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

i’ve tried to restring my necklace of memories carefully leaving the beads of you on the table (a disowning of sorts I suppose) but t..
a bit of prose

a bit of prose

A Story by Lydia Shutter

graphic courtesy of colourbox.comIt’s difficult to argue with the sheer artistry of attraction. Thing is, it all started with a misspelled wor..
inaudible hum

inaudible hum

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

poetry saves the day
Forever It Shall Be So

Forever It Shall Be So

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

a friendship poem
pedal to the metal

pedal to the metal

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

just a bit seductive and suggestive...not too naughty!


A Poem by Lydia Shutter

it's friday night!
even now

even now

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

artwork by garmasheven nowgray hair blowing in the sea breezebeauty was her calling cardshe tasted summer with lusty abandonas tips of nostalgia ..
simple things

simple things

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

a little romance for a summer afternoon