Lykos : Writing

Crackhead lady

Crackhead lady

A Poem by Lykos

Fall to deep in a hole
Always fighting demons

Always fighting demons

A Poem by Lykos

Troubled mind


A Poem by Lykos

Snuffing out the light
Walking with a reaper

Walking with a reaper

A Poem by Lykos

Betrayal has consequences


A Poem by Lykos

Hidden from view


A Poem by Lykos

Venting through words wrote on a sheet
Done and dusted

Done and dusted

A Poem by Lykos

Sometimes you put up with a so called friend, you should have left years ago.
My beauty

My beauty

A Poem by Lykos

Someone you never forget
The light

The light

A Poem by Lykos

Every dusk has a dawn
I am

I am

A Poem by Lykos


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