Miss Mary Jane : Writing

City Poetry:Dawn's City

City Poetry:Dawn\'s City

A Poem by Miss Mary Jane

Listening to the American Prayer by Jim Morrison
City Poetry: Liar

City Poetry: Liar

A Poem by Miss Mary Jane

I'm listening to a song on Stacey's profile called, "Cry Wolf," and this is what I created.


A Poem by Miss Mary Jane

She came back from her land of wonder. To be mezmerized by the sounds of home. A little bit of country mixed with the blues. Two different mel..


A Poem by Miss Mary Jane

She slept in the field, Covered in sunlight. Beautiful, peaceful. Her palm open and waiting. Her breathing was shallow and slow.
Alice's Misfortune

Alice\'s Misfortune

A Poem by Miss Mary Jane

Covenlike gypsies dancing in circles. Tortured, twisted, contoured, masks fell to the floor. Out of my eye I saw a door. The bottle floated befo..

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