MomzillaNC : Writing

Haiku exploring "chrysalis"

Haiku exploring "chrysalis"

A Poem by MomzillaNC

This is my attempt at haiku in response to a poetry prompt in WE PAW Bloggers group on Facebook.
Fear Her… Fear Liberty

Fear Her… Fear Liberty

A Poem by MomzillaNC

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tem..
The Unraveling…

The Unraveling…

A Poem by MomzillaNC

unraveling… unraveling… unraveling, frayedA once proud nation bowed ‘neath hatepoor brown refugee babes’ cagèd fate&h..
Humanity… Earth's Disease

Humanity… Earth's Disease

A Poem by MomzillaNC

Kids on the street Babies in cages At the table no seat Garbage in our seas Climate change And dying trees Pollution on the breeze Heating ..
Words To Color The Soul

Words To Color The Soul

A Poem by MomzillaNC

Life… so pondering and colorlessGrey and dusty as the elephantTrammeling the self… drab, lumberingUntil…what worlds are these?Twi..
Shackled In Silence

Shackled In Silence

A Poem by MomzillaNC

A poem about the devastation of my sketching journals being found and destroyed for the truth laid bare in them.
My Very Own Prissy -- A True Story

My Very Own Prissy -- A True Story

A Story by MomzillaNC

The following short story reading is for a creative prompt, entitled Wee Yarns, on the FB group "WE PAW Bloggers" (an acronym for WE Poets, Authors, W..
Bedonka Trucks

Bedonka Trucks

A Story by MomzillaNC

A poem to be read to the "I Like Big Butts" tune

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