Nate : Writing



A Poem by Nate

My heart compelled me to write a poem back in 2005 about the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina and the daily horrors for those who lived through it and tho..


A Poem by Nate

The agony of unreciprocated love. . . there are few feelings as intense.


A Poem by Nate

Stop looking at things for what they are but with your minds eyes, see them for what they aren't


A Poem by Nate

The horseshoe on my inner thigh, Reminds me that nothing's changed. The burnmark on my forearm is the roadmap of my pain. The rip across my shou..
Why I Share

Why I Share

A Poem by Nate

The poem says it all
Somebody Died

Somebody Died

A Stage Play by Nate

I would like to not write a description for this piece but it is long and written from the perspective of a young man who has died (I won't say how), ..
Fade 2 Black

Fade 2 Black

A Poem by Nate

Most of what I'd write was full of pain and feelings of unworthiness. . . this is one of them.
Can I?

Can I?

A Poem by Nate

Total release of independant feeling and selfish desire to be whatever you need to be for the one that you love. . . are you capable? Can you? Can I?..
Love Is. . .

Love Is. . .

A Poem by Nate

It's slung around like mud but do any of us truly understand its meaning, its strength or its power. . .do we?
Attributes of a Broken Heart

Attributes of a Broken Heart

A Poem by Nate

Have you ever sat back an analyzed the pain of going through breakup? It's really rather beautiful in a broken hearted sort of way. . .