A girl who has a sip of water before she crashes on the freeway
I poem I wrote for happy poems about how I cannot write a happy poem
About a lesbian. The colliding rhythms, occasional rhymes, and sentence lengths are on purpose simply to emphasis how gay she is.
After a terrible few weeks of writer's block, I was inspired by the anime, Simoun. Inspiration comes from the strangest places.
Very old poem of mine that I recently found
The speaker is female. That does and does not matter.
Linda (Lindy) and her younger sister Priscilla (Prissy) are waiting for their mother to come home from the bar.
A sound, like nails on a chalkboard, wakes up this poor soul.
The room, pitch black, except a sliver
of moonlight that breaks through the heavy curt..
I've heard writing shows who you really are,How age and gender can't be told,But I want people to see gender in writing,I just don't want it to matter..
It was late. And the lamp was there.