Nansi London : Writing

BTP- C 3

BTP- C 3

A Chapter by Nansi London

SEVENTEEN YEARS LATER… Sweat rolled down her back as she kicked the punching back with a force that would shatter bones. A grunt escaped her..
BTP- C 4

BTP- C 4

A Chapter by Nansi London

Much had been altered in the dome. The interior and exterior had been remodeled and upgraded to a high level of security from what wished to g..
BTP- C 5

BTP- C 5

A Chapter by Nansi London

"You’re something else, you know that?" Jin asked with chuckle. Leah could only smile in response. One person who’d always manag..
BTP- C 6

BTP- C 6

A Chapter by Nansi London

how' s about a little feedback here eh?
BTP- C 7

BTP- C 7

A Chapter by Nansi London

BTP- C 8

BTP- C 8

A Chapter by Nansi London

Though the moment had been long awaited, the time had finally come for the squads to head out for what could possibly be their last mission. All was t..
BTP- C 9

BTP- C 9

A Chapter by Nansi London

Ray was on edge. He hadn’t heard from Leah as he had wanted to, but he was wishing and hoping that she was all right. The one thing he hated was..
BTP- C10

BTP- C10

A Chapter by Nansi London

Heh...whatta you know...another chapter. Must really be enjoying this one...REVIEWS PLEASES!!
BTP- C 11

BTP- C 11

A Chapter by Nansi London

YAY! CHAPTER 11! WOOT WOOT! yep and its a short
BTP- C 12

BTP- C 12

A Chapter by Nansi London

Ray couldn't believe his luck. Even though he was becoming his enemy, it still had its perks. Because of this change he had Leah just where alway..