Neville : Writing

A Nameless Craft

A Nameless Craft

A Poem by Neville

maybe a bit tongue in cheeky .. but this mane's observations and imaginings in our harbour
No Sweat

No Sweat

A Poem by Neville

Its Shore Life

Its Shore Life

A Poem by Neville

just a few little observations made while taking a gentle stroll along the coastal path not far from home ..
Upon the Tip of His Tongue

Upon the Tip of His Tongue

A Poem by Neville

.. just a little something to remember him by ..
From a Safe Distance Only

From a Safe Distance Only

A Poem by Neville

From a Safe Distance Only Just listen to that silence If you dare .. I guarantee it’s like no other sound that you my love,..
En Route From A to B

En Route From A to B

A Poem by Neville

En Route From A to B On average, the entire journey would maybe take the best part of four whole days …Yes, it was a long w..
Beached Whale Blues

Beached Whale Blues

A Poem by Neville

....................just another 7 5 7 folks, so please feel free to ignore .. thanks


A Poem by Neville

Opus According to some as yet un-writ universal law She was to be his opus A final masterpiece, without a single flaw .. Each subtl..