Omegax45 : Writing

2. Tim's Video

2. Tim's Video

A Chapter by Omegax45

Divided Paths of the Dead by Omegax45 Chapter 2: Tim’s Video Zombie Invasion Rule 2: Don’t let fear rule you. Once it does, yo..
3.  Ben's Printouts

3. Ben's Printouts

A Chapter by Omegax45

Divided Paths of the Dead by Omegax45 Chapter 3: Ben’s Printouts Zombie Invasion Rule 3: When attacking zombies, shoot them in the he..
4: Susan's Book

4: Susan's Book

A Chapter by Omegax45

Divided Paths of the Dead by Omegax45 Chapter 4: Susan’s Book Zombie Invasion Rule 4: Do not assume that any location is secured. Onc..
5. Luke's Tape Recorder

5. Luke's Tape Recorder

A Chapter by Omegax45

Divided Paths of the Dead by Omegax45 Chapter 5: Luke’s Tape Recorder Zombie Invasion Rule 5: Upon traveling, do not make frequent or..
6. Susannah's Bog

6. Susannah's Bog

A Chapter by Omegax45

Divided Paths of the Dead by Omegax45 Chapter 6: Susannah’s Blog Zombie Invasion Rule 6: Zombies attack living flesh that is at a tempe..
7. Ethan's Web Cam

7. Ethan's Web Cam

A Chapter by Omegax45

Divided Paths of the Dead by Omegax45 Chapter 7: Ethan’s Web Cam Zombie Invasion Rule 7: Distraction is the key to escaping capture..
8. Mike and Alicia's Emails

8. Mike and Alicia's Emails

A Chapter by Omegax45

Divided Paths of the Dead by Omegax45 Chapter 8: Mike and Alicia’s Emails Zombie Invasion Rule8: Exercise caution with infected victims..
9. Jill's Journal

9. Jill's Journal

A Chapter by Omegax45

Divided Paths of the Dead by Omegax45 Chapter 9: Jill’s Journal Zombie Invasion Rule 9: Know who are your friends and who will be your..
10. Winter of 2019-2020

10. Winter of 2019-2020

A Chapter by Omegax45

Divided Paths of the Dead by Omegax45 10. Winter 2019-2020 The empty desert roads led to many towns and cities that were also as empty of l..
Epilogue:  Author's Notes

Epilogue: Author's Notes

A Chapter by Omegax45

Divided Paths of the Dead by Omegax45 Epilogue: Author’s Notes My name is Jillian Xersowin, the author of the book/biography Zombie ..