Silvanus Silvertung : Writing



A Chapter by Silvanus Silvertung

Stories with teaching structures
The Dying time

The Dying time

A Chapter by Silvanus Silvertung

Papa's death - in chronological order


A Chapter by Silvanus Silvertung

I'm gonna be clear here that my erotic stories can often stray dark. Here are the indexed ones that I would be okay with someone I share my nonfiction..


A Book by Silvanus Silvertung

Each "chapter" is a collection of links for a possible book of essays - arranging my pieces by topic
The soft process of dying

The soft process of dying

A Story by Silvanus Silvertung

Braided essay from a dead deer's perspective and mine. Contains graphic descriptions of dying and decay.
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The Creator

The Creator

A Story by Silvanus Silvertung

Prometheus tells a story set in a near future where the gods are given computing power. Of note this reuses ideas but is NOT intended to be in the ..
Her perfect ears

Her perfect ears

A Story by Silvanus Silvertung

Musings on my cat
Soul tracks

Soul tracks

A Story by Silvanus Silvertung

Full of the normal triggers in my writing of late. Mild descriptions of dead animals among the rest.
Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice

A Story by Silvanus Silvertung

I had a hard time deciding if this is science fiction or fantasy. The backdrop is a world where the human inhabitants crash landed their ship and had ..


A Story by Silvanus Silvertung

Z-12-tetradecen-1-ol acetate perceived the first rays of dawn against its uppermost leaves and awoke from semi dormancy. Everything was set to go. The..