John Alexander McFadyen : Writing

Kakure Krishitan  (Hidden Christians)

Kakure Krishitan (Hidden Christians)

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Inspired by the film (movie) 'Silence'
George Michael Is Dead

George Michael Is Dead

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

George Michael Is Dead Have you ever striven or yearned for perfection, in love, achievement, possessions, knowing it to be beyond your..


A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Almost I came so close to caving in; to throwing in the towel, just giving up. When faith does not exist and the runes seem to spel..
Conflicts of Emotion

Conflicts of Emotion

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Conflicts of Emotion We withdraw to the silence of hurt and there create hurt silence; in which we mire. Sucked into the bog of negativ..
All The Leaves Are Brown

All The Leaves Are Brown

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

All The Leaves Are Brown We walked. And for the briefest moment I looked into your eyes and glimpsed the moon and stars. A ma..
On Standing Rock

On Standing Rock

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

On Standing Rock Karpman stood upon standing rock and scolded the Sioux Tribe of North Dakota in Rachel's voice. "Accept Christ consc..
My Invocation

My Invocation

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

My Invocation[1] With respect to the death of Christ, I wasn't there, honestly, I came to this earth several hundred centuries after ..


A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Still I still taste pear drops and cola cubes and recall the black and white monochrome analog transmissions of moon landings and presid..
Blood Axe

Blood Axe

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

Blood Axe Blood splattered axe, with which I have smite many enemies, be raised to heaven by this hand in readiness for the final battl..
It Is Possible

It Is Possible

A Poem by John Alexander McFadyen

It Is Possible It is possible to love with fervour and yet be uncertain in the night, as the dark cloak of doubt closes in and shroud..