Perdition : Writing

The Willing

The Willing

A Poem by Perdition

On the porch she sat, wilting her smiles and balancing on the ominous plate of words she had left so quietly behind, so well maintained, so well the m..


A Poem by Perdition

Morning tasted like s**t. His hands, always sweating in attestation. The office was again tangled in debt, yet, much as resistance..
The B***h of it All

The B***h of it All

A Poem by Perdition

So she wants answers. She wants faith, she wants life fashioned on a stick like a goddamn corndog or better yet, a bleeding marshmallow dripping over ..
A Solid Faith

A Solid Faith

A Poem by Perdition

If I neglect, or for some sour cause make flint of tomorrow, then let it be. Never turn in emotion from what reams in our flight . This is but a place..
Seconds More

Seconds More

A Poem by Perdition

She decorates her words While a river empties over our flamenco morning The cereal poured is disguised as conversa..
A Cup Into The Droplet's Mind

A Cup Into The Droplet's Mind

A Poem by Perdition

I stand, LoomingInto infinite course Where matter survives from the mind forged in droplets Entering Building high her t..
Empty WIndow

Empty WIndow

A Poem by Perdition

She was far from an empty windowHers was not the mind’s umbilical freedom. Hers was the ground and strew, the rain on stones white as apparition..


A Poem by Perdition

She amendedmeMy destructionClawing from the sleep of seduction and reliefBestowing chaosReflection through my cagesStanding in plast..
Notes From the Origin

Notes From the Origin

A Poem by Perdition

Would you be willing in our final hour of sleep? Life and linens laid mere inches from our fate. Awakened. Gasped and freed from mor..
Emotional Skinflint

Emotional Skinflint

A Poem by Perdition

Skinflint lover With your pale embrace Talking swarthy Your touch is still a sun bird Your currencyA wire of faithIt..